Prolific Pl2303 Usb To Serial Adaptor Driver Linux Mint

OS: Linux Mint 19 Tara (also tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) Kernel: 4.15.0-20-generic. I have a USB-Serial adapter with the PL2303X chip to connect hardware to a Linux host. The device appears connected via lsusb, however I cannot send and receive data.

Let me start by saying that I am just getting started in the Linux world. I am attempting to connect to a solar thermal controller using a usb to serial adapter. I was able to successfully connect to a windows machine and pull data so I know the controller is functioning correctly. I am not seeing any data from the controller. I am trying to determine if I set everything up correctly on Linux and I am struggling to troubleshoot. I am looking for tips/tricks to determine if the setup is correct. Here is what I have done so far: 1) Ran 'lsusb' and see my device: 'Bus 004 Device 003: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc.

PL2303 Serial Port' 2) Ran 'sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0×067b product=0×2303' 3) Ran 'dmesg' after plugging in the device. I see my device: 'usb 4-2: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0' 4) Ran minicom -s and set parameters on /dev/ttyUSB0 to 96008N1.

I also set Hardware and Software Flow Control to 'No'. The controller requires 9600 baud, 1 start, 8 data and 1 stop bit, no parity and no handshake. 5)Ran 'cat /dev/ttyUSB0' and a blinking cursor remained on the screen till I killed the line. I also ran 'cat /dev/ttyUSB0 > trace.log' and the file was empty. Any help would be appreciated. This information may be of help to you.

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If you use a symbolic link to link the USB port to the serial software it should all work. SERIAL PORT NAMES: If you are wondering how the ttyUSB0 (ttyACM0) is related to a com port or how to set it up? Dos/Windows use the COM name while the messages from the serial driver use ttyS00, ttyS01, etc. Older serial drivers (2001?) used just tty00, tty01, etc. The tables below shows some examples of serial device names.


The IO addresses are the default addresses for the old ISA bus (not for the newer PCI and USB buses). Dos common IO USB-BUS ( ACM => acm modem ) name name major minor address common name common name COM1 /dev/ttyS0 4, 64; 3F8 /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyACM0 COM2 /dev/ttyS1 4, 65; 2F8 /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyACM1 COM3 /dev/ttyS2 4, 66; 3E8 /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/ttyACM2 COM4 /dev/ttyS3 4, 67; 2E8 /dev/ttyUSB3 /dev/ttyACM3 - /dev/ttyS4 4, 68; various SERIAL PORT or USB Converter: If you don't have a serial port on your Laptop, or want to use a USB port Converter check out the following: The USB to Serial Converter is from and is a N6008 SABRENT 1 ft. USB to Serial db9 Male RS-232 (9-pin) Converter Model SBT-USC1M - Retail @ $10.99. These work wonderful with wvdial, modems, and the Serial ELMSCAN5. SETUP UBUNTU (LINUX): Open a Linux Terminal window and cut/paste the following commands with the USB to Serial Adapter unplugged from a USB port. Code: dmesg tail lsusblarry@ubuntu:~$ dmesg tail [32] domain 0: span 03 [34] groups: 01 02 [36] domain 1: span 03 [38] groups: 03 [40] CPU1 attaching sched-domain: [41] domain 0: span 03 [43] groups: 02 01 [46] domain 1: span 03 [47] groups: 03 [28] usb 6-1: USB disconnect, address 3 larry@ubuntu:~$ lsusb Bus 008 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 Bus 007 Device 003: ID 04f2:b091 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.