Teamspeak Icons For Ranks

If no, then exit this thread now. However, if you are actually interested THIS IS THE PACK FOR YOU! The Pack Has 5 different folders: ​ - Coloured Letters and Numbers - These are A-Z and 1-9 written on every colour you can think of's background! - Games - These are a couple of cool logo's people have designed for games in which i have collected - Could be used in 'Other Games' Channels! - Group Block Colours - These are all different coloured blocks in a 3D perspective! - Minecraft - Everything you could possibly want minecraft wise (including; Blocks, Items, Mobs, Music Discs, Spawner Eggs and some 3D aspect Blocks! - Ranks - These are all different colours of swords, Crossed, Non- Crossed, Even Waiting Ranks too!

It also has Misc. Download bittorrent. Icons, Helmet Ranks and Donator Ranks!

Is there a csgo matchmaking rank icon pack for teamspeak servers? Other icons such as profile ranks and pins and that's.