Program Kerja Osis Bidang Olahraga Kompasiana
CONFERENCE PROCEEDING THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE On INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY (ICIP) 2017 18-19 May 2017 Conducted at STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh THEME THE INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY AS A WAY TO ACTUALIZE A SUPERIOR, INDEPENDENT AND RELIGIOUS GENERATION IN THE REGION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY2017 (ICIP 2017). Chief Editor: Prof. Jamaluddin Idris, M.Ed. (Coordinator KOPERTIS XIII Aceh) Editors: 1. Whatsup gold free download full version with serial. Qismullah Yusuf (UPSI, Malaysia) 2. (UNSYIAH, Banda Aceh) 3. Usman Kasim, M.Ed.
(UNSYIAH, Banda Aceh) 4. Abdul Manan, M.Sc., MA (UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh) 5. Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf (UNSYIAH, Banda Aceh) 6. Ian Robotom (Deakin University, Australia) 7.
Dato’ Zakaria Kasa (UPSI, Malaysia) 8. Adanan bin Basar (KUPU, Brunei Darussalam) 9. Sukree Langputeh (Fatoni University, Thailand) 10. Tatat Hartati, M.Ed., Ph.D (UPI, Bandung) 11. Nasution, M.Ed., M.Hum., Ph.D (UNESA, Surabaya) 12. Andriansyah, M.S.Ed (UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh) 13.
Contoh Program Kerja OSIS SMA SEKBID 1. PEMBINAAN KEIMANAN DAN KETAKWAAN TERHADAP TUHAN YME. Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam bidang olahraga.
Elizar, Ph.D Candidate (University of Adelaide, Australia) STKIP BBG 1. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd 2. Rosdiana, M.Pd 3. Mulyadi Syahputra, M.Pd 4. Rusmiati, M.Pd 5. Hijjatul Qamariah, M.Pd, M.TESOL 6.
Salwa Chaira, M.Pd, M.TESOL i FOREWORDS FROM THE COMMITEE OF ICIP The Commitee of ICIP would like to extend a warm welcome to all presenters, participants who have contributed in succeeding The 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY2017 (ICIP 2017). This conference is held at STKIP BBG from May 18-19, 2017. We would like to express our deepest thanks to Zainal Arifin as the vice Mayor of Banda Aceh and the Coordinator of Private Higher Education Regional XIII Aceh for helping us in organizing this conference.
On behalf of the editors, organizers, and the presenters of this Conference, we wish to thank the keynote speakers who delivered the speech from six countries namely: Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, and Hongkong. We are delighted with 31 papers submission that discuss and present all of innovative researches in the field of pedagogy.
All papers submitted for possible presentation at ICIP are published in our conference proceeding with ISBN. Furthermore, ten outstanding selected of ICIP papers have been published in the International Journal of Peuradeun. Finally, the conference and proceedings are credit to large group of people's hard work; editors, organizers, authors and the reviewers who have spent their time, hard work, and dedication to this Conference. Banda Aceh, Agustus 1, 2017 Best Regard ICIP Commitee of STKIP BBG ii FOREWORDS FROM THE CHIEF OF STKIP BBG STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena welcomes all members Board of Director of the Asia-Pasific Education Universities (CAPEU) and all rectors/ presidents/ chancellors and vice chancellor of the member of the CAPEU. We would like to acknowledge and extends our thanks and appreciations to all presenters, participants and visitors to the First conference entitled “1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY2017 (ICIP 2017).
Innovative pedagogy is a theory that carefully, critically and objectively develops concepts about the nature of man, the nature of the child, the nature of the purpose of education as well as the nature of the educational process. Pedagogy at the present time encountered many challenges, among others, in various aspects of globalization, such as political policy, educational policy, language policy, the conditions of the learner, the competence of teachers and professors, education management, including SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY progress. Learning involves diverse factors of learners that includes patterns or differences of learning styles, cultural background, language and gender. This requires appropriate and effective pedagogic strategies in order to increase the quality of the learners. Matlab simulink download cracked. STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena also would like to express the deepest gratitude for the help of all the people involved in this project and, more specifically, to the authors and reviewers that took part in the review process. Without their support, this proceeding would not have become a reality.