Operation Research By Pkgupta And Dshira Free

From India to U.S.A. About this Item: S. Chand & Company Ltd, 2013. Condition: New. Offers the principles and methods of Operations Research (OR) in a simple, clear and lucid manner for students, teachers, professionals and business managers Written with the dual purpose of in-depth study of OR and creating, in the reader, the awareness of its applicability Provides a better grasp of methods, techniques and tools of OR than do most texts Contains problems drawn extensively from different functional areas of engineering, business and management. Has a wide variety of 660 solved examples, 1400 exercises (with answers) and 270 illustrative diagrams Sufficient hints provided for all typical exercises Covers all course fundamentals and meets the complete requirement of students of B.E./B.Tech., MBA, MCA, M.Com., CA, ICWA, CS, BBA, BCA and competitive examinations like IAS, etc CONTENTS: I. BASICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH: 1.

Development of Operations Research 2. Definition of Operations Research 3. Characteristics of Operations Research 4. Scientific Method in Operations Research 5. Necessity of Operations Research in Industry 6.

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Results 1 - 7 of 7 - You can download Operations Research by Hira Gupta easily on CG Aspirants: [PDF] Download Operation Research by Prem Kumar Guta And D S Hira. Research Book By Pk Gupta Free Download -> DOWNLOAD. May 24, 2017 - Gupta, P.K. And Hira, D.S. (2008) Operations Research. Add your e-mail address to receive free newsletters from SCIRP. ABSTRACT: The solutions of Linear Programming Problems by the segmentation of the cuboidal.

Scope of Operations Research 7. Operations Research and Decision-Making 8. Scope of OR in Management 9. Scope of OR in Financial Management 10. Applications of Various OR Techniques 11. Objectives of Operations Research 12.

Phases of OR 13. Models in OR 14.

Operation Research By Pkgupta And Dshira Free

Classification Schemes of Models 15. Characteristics of a Good Model 16. Advantages of a Model 17. Limitations of a Model 18. Constructing the Model 19.

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Approximations (Simplifications) in OR Models 20. Types of Mathematical Models 21. Role of Computers in Operations Research 22. Difficulties in Operations Research 23. Limitations of Operations Research Exercises II. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: 1. Introduction 2.

Formulation-of Linear Programming Problems Exercises 2.1 3 Graphical Method of Solution 4 Some Exceptional Cases Exercises 2.2 5. The General Linear Programming Problem 6. Canonical and Standard Forms of Linear Programming Problem 7. Theory of Simplex Method 8. Some Important Definitions 9. Analytical Method or Trial and Error Method Exercises 2.3 10. The Simplex Method (Technique or Algorithm) 11.

Artificial Variables Techniques: i. The Big-M Method ii. The Two-Phase Method 12. Special Cases in the Simplex Method Application 13.

Solution of Simultaneous Equations by Simplex Method 14. Some Additional Points Exercises 2.4 III.

THE TRANSPORTATION MODEL: 1. Introduction to the Model 2. Definition of the Transportation Model 3.

Matrix Terminology 4. Formulation and Solution of Transportation Models 5. Variants in Transportation Problems 6. Additional Problems 7. Least-Time Transportation Problems 8. Post Optimality Analysis in Transportation 9. The Trans-Shipment Problem 10.

Dual of the Transportation Problem Exercises IV. THE ASSIGNMENT MODEL: 1.

Definition of the Assignment Model 2. Mathematical Representation of the Assignment Model 3. Comparison with the Transportation Model 4.

The Hungarian Method for Solution of the Assignment Problems 5. Formulation and Solution of the Assignment Models 6. Variations of the Assignment Problem 7.

Additional Problems Exercises 4.1 4.8 The Travelling Salesman Problem (Shortest Cyclic Route Models) Exercises 4.2 V. SEQUENCING MODELS AND RELATED PROBLEMS: 1.

Sequencing Problems 2. Assumptions in Sequencing Problems 3. Processing n Jobs through one Machine 4. Processing n Jobs through two Machines 5. Processing n Jobs through three Machines 6. Processing two Jobs through m Machines 7. Processing n Jobs through m Machines 8.