Korg X50 Patches Download

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MAC:Operating System:X50_Updater_105.dmg This 'zipped' download contains the Version 1.0.5 Operating System update for the X50. This version improves stability with Windows 7 and is operationally the same as 1.04. This is the Parameter Guide for the Korg X50 Music Synthesizer in.pdf form. The Parameter Guide is the second volume of the.

• Operation Guide Operation Guide. • Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment. If something does slip into the equipment, unplug the AC adapter from the wall outlet.

Then contact your nearest Korg dealer or the store where the equipment was pur- chased. THE FCC REGULATION WARNING (for U.S.A.) • Thank you for purchasing the Korg X50 Music Synthesizer. To help you get the most out of your new instrument, please read this manual carefully.

About this manual The owner’s manuals and how to use them The X50 come with the following owner’s manu- als. • Front and rear panel. 11 Front panel.11 Rear panel.14 Objects in the Display and their functions.15 Basic Information.

17 About the X50’ modes.17 Basic operations.19 Setup.23 Turning the power on/off. 23 Connecting the AC adapter.23 Turning the power on.23. • Using and Editing Multi sets.

69 MIDI considerations. 69 Selecting a multi set.69 Assigning a program to a track, and setting the volume and pan.70 Copying the settings of a combination to a multi set.72 What you can do in Multi mode.73 Using Controllers.74 Altering Programs to fit within a Multi set.74 Layers, Splits, and Velocity Switches.75. • This Quick Start is provided for those who just want to get started trying out the sounds right away. It explains how to set up the X50, how to select programs and control the sound, and how to lis- ten to the demo songs. • “basic” sounds of the X50 – programs.

Note: If you don’t hear any sound when you play the keyboard: Check the connections once again. Also make sure that the X50’s VOLUME and the volume of your powered speakers or stereo amp are turned up appropriately. • When you select a different Bank, that button’s LED will light, and the selected bank will appear in the left side of the display. For example, to select bank B, press the PROG BANK [B] button. The [B] button will light, and the name Bank B will appear in the left of the display. • Quick Start Selecting combinations by bank and number 1.

Press a [COMBI] button. (The button will light.) You will enter Combination mode. Notice that the upper line of the display indicates “COMBI 0: Play” (mode name, page number and name). Mode name Bank number.

• Using controllers to modify the sound You can operate the X50’s [MOD] wheel, [PITCH] wheel, [SW1][SW2], and realtime controllers to add expressive variation to your performances. [PITCH] wheel, [MOD] wheel You can use the [PITCH] wheel and [MOD] wheel located at the upper left of the keyboard to vary the pitch or adjust the depth of modulation. • Quick Start 6. Turn knob [3] (EG-INTENSITY) to adjust filter EG intensity (the depth at which the filter EG is applied).

Rotating the knob will affect the depth of the filter EG. Normally, rotating the knob toward the left will make the filter EG apply less deeply, and rotating it toward the right will make the filter EG apply more deeply. • Most arpeggiators produce an arpeggio when you play a chord on the keyboard.


In addition to this, the X50’s arpeggiator is a polyphonic arpeg- giator that is able to produce a variety of chordal transformations or phrases based on the pitch or timing of the notes you play on the keyboard. • Quick Start Listening to the demo songs The X50 contains demonstration songs. Take a moment to listen to these demo songs to experience the diverse sounds and rich expres- sive potential of the X50. Hold down the [CATEGORY] button and press the [AUDITION] button. • A great selection of 512 programs In the Program mode, the X50 provides 512 user programs, plus 128 programs + 9 drum sets for GM compatibility.