At Command Tester Software

Tha AT command Tester just seemed a handy way to test out / learn about the Sim900 modules and the AT command set. Just that as it has to use the known buggy Java I wanted to check that I was not exposing myself to a load of problems/hacks. Have just been using Putty and using the At commands that way. Oct 20, 2017  Home > News > AT Command Tester: New version of the free online software tool to test GSM modules. AT Command Tester: New version of the free online software tool to test GSM modules. Many problems intrinsic to AT-based programming style and the many challenges in dealing with manufacturer specific AT command set.

Is a free online software tool that is used to test AT commands and other functionalities of GSM modems. The friendly user interface allows developers to • Configure and connect to modem ports • Send single or batch of AT commands • Perform modem diagnostics • Establish 3G or GPRS call • Collect and save modem logs Port Configuration uses Java-based serial drivers to interface to the modem. The ‘Find Ports’ button will automatically find all ports available in the system. The user can connect the appropriate modem port with the desired port speed. Command mode After connecting successfully to the modem, users can send single AT commands under ‘Command Mode’ tab. The drop down provides a list of AT commands with description and examples.

The users can modify or enter their own AT command in the text box. Script Mode Users can send batch of AT commands under the ‘Script Mode’ tab.

They can also save and load the script from the local machine. Users can develop their own scripts for specific set of tasks such as call setup, send SMS, HTTP access etc. Users can also include descriptive comments in their script. Diagnostics Users can perform basic troubleshooting of the modem under the ‘Diagnostics’ tab. Here the tool sends the required AT commands and provides descriptive output about the state of the modem.

Data Call The ‘Data Call’ tab provides the interfaces to setup data call with the GSM network. ‘Get PDP Contexts’ button will list all the PDP context profiles stored on the SIM. Users can also add or update new PDP context profile. Users can then connect to the selected profile.

Will first check whether the device is registered on the network. If so, it will attach and connect to the network with the selected PDP context credentials. More feature additions such as voice call, SMS, Phone book functions, HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP are planned for tool. Suggestions from this blog readers are also welcome. About provides useful information to M2M application developers about modules, M2M software, certification etc.

How To Test A GSM Modem Manually Before you begin testing your GSM modem: – Connect the modem to Device ManageR’s host system. – Install the most recent version of the modem’s drivers, which will ensure the host system is able to connect properly to the modem. The drivers should be available from the manufacturer. – Determine the COM port that your modem is connected to. This FAQ shows you how:. Manually send an SMS text message Now that you have confirmed the COM port, you may attempt to manually send an SMS message using PuTTY or another serial connection tool. In our example, we’re using PuTTY.

At Command Tester Software

Select Session in the navigation bar to the left. In Connection type, select Serial. In Serial line, enter the COM port your modem is connected to. In Speed, enter the maximum port speed (baud rate) of your modem.

In our example, the COM port is COM12, and the speed is 115200. Xcom enemy unknown save game editor pc. Then select Open at the bottom of the screen to open the connection to the modem. The window shown below will appear; you may now type commands to the modem.

Now attempt to send a text message by entering the commands below in order, one line at a time. In the commands below: – Replace ~C with pressing the Enter key on your keyboard.

– Replace ^Z with pressing Ctrl+Z on your keyboard. – Replace [SERVICE] with your GSM service center number. – Replace [PHONE] with number you want to send a text to.

(If you’re outside the U.S., you may need to place a ‘+’ sign before the phone number.) – Replace [ALARM_TEXT] with a text message. In our example, our text message is “hello from putty.” Commands: AT+CMGF=1~C AT+CSCA=”+[SERVICE]”~C AT+CMGS=”[PHONE]”~C [ALARM_TEXT]^Z~C If these commands are successful, your screen will appear as shown below, and you’ll receive the text message on the target phone number.

Further troubleshooting First, verify your modem supports SMS text mode. SMS text mode is the only mode currently supported by Device ManageR.

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